Amber Collins
November 2010
Creative Writing P.6
Prompt: Medical researchers, cosmetic companies, and other often perform experiments on animals. Many people feel that experimentation on animals is wrong and should be stopped immediately because animals do feel pain, and there are other alternatives. How do you feel? State your position and explain your reasons.
For many years medical researchers have done experiments on animals that are necessary for the safety of humans as well as animals. Animals and people get many of the same illnesses. Certain types of animals can stand in for humans with particular diseases. The information we gain from these studies about how we’re the same and how we’re different benefits people and animals (National institution for health).
The most important thing is that the research must be relevant to human or animal health. Studies need to protect the animals’ welfare. That means that only the fewest number of the most appropriate species may be used. Under federal law, all animals must be treated humanely and undergo the least distress possible. Some vaccines for diseases such as polio and rabbis have been discovered through animal research and have come to save the lives of many humans as well as animals.
Medical researchers who have Ph.D., D.V.M., or M.D. degrees oversee animal research studies. These scientists study animals because they are a lot like people when it comes to basic body functions like breathing, eating, hearing, and seeing. That’s because nature is extremely economical. Throughout vast evolutionary time—from bacteria to plants to people—the same biological processes are recycled over and over.
Veterinarians with specialized training in laboratory animal medicine are an integral part of a medical research team. As part of this research group, veterinarians assure the humane treatment of animals and provide medical and surgical support throughout research studies. Emergency veterinary care for research animals is available on a 24-hour basis.
In all animal research is necessary for the wellness of animals and humans. It is carefully planned and ensures animals well. It is completely humane and right when done by professionals for the right reasons.
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